Cyrillic Alphabet

This page is designed to introduce students to the Cyrillic script, specifically the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet, along with two additional letters used in Montenegrin. Here, you will find a guide to each letter, helping you understand and master their forms. Additionally, there is a set of instructional videos demonstrating the correct way to write each letter in Cyrillic, ensuring you can follow along and practice your writing skills with ease.

A а Б б  В в  Г г  Д д
Ђ ђ Е е  Ж ж  З з  И и
Ј ј К к Л л Љ љ М м
Н н  Њ њ  О о П п Р р
С с Т т Ћ ћ  У у  Ф ф
Х х Ц ц  Ч ч  Џ џ Ш ш

The Cyrillic alphabet is introduced in a systematic way to facilitate your learning.

  • Part 1 starts with the letters that are the same as in English, ensuring a smooth transition for beginner learners.
  • Part 2 covers letters that look like English letters but have different sounds, highlighting the contrasts.
  • Part 3 explores letters that look different but produce familiar sounds, helping you build recognition and pronunciation skills.
  • Part 4 introduces letters that both look and sound completely different from their English counterparts, providing further understanding of the script.
  • Part 5 focuses on the two additional Montenegrin letters.

Part 1: Letters that are the same as in English

А а [a]Е е [e]
К к [k]М м [m]
О о > [o]Т т [t]


| Part 2: Like English letters, but they sound different

В в – [v]Н н – [n]
Р р – [r]С с – [s]
У у – [u]Х х – [h]
Ј ј [j] 

| Part 3: Letters that look different but sound familiar

И и – [i]Б б – [b]
Г г – [g]Д д – [d]
З з – [z]Л л – [l]
П п– [p]Ф ф– [f]

| Part 4: Letters that look and sound completely different

Ц ц – [c]Ч ч – [č]
Ћ ћ – [ć]Џ џ – [dž]
Ђ ђ – [đ]Ж ж – [ž]
Ш ш – [š]Љ љ – [lj]
Њ њ – [nj] 

| Part 5: Two Montenegrin Letters

С́ с́ – [ś]З́ з́ – [ź]

Note: In Montenegrin, the Cyrillic letter с́ is not to be confused with the Latin letter ć.