
Grammar Overview

This page is designed to provide a focused summary of the key grammatical elements essential at the beginner level. Here you will find four distinct tabs, each dedicated to a specific grammatical category: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns. While the textbook covers a broad range of other grammatical categories, this section focuses on four fundamental categories to support your understanding of Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, and Serbian. Whether you are a student seeking to reinforce your learning or an instructor aiming to streamline your teaching, this page offers a clear and concise reference to the most important grammar points at the beginner level.

| Gender in BCMS

In English the noun gender is related to animacy, meaning that people are different from things. In English an inanimate noun (an object, place, or idea) is usually referred to as an “it;” a person is always a “he” or “she.” The plural “they” can be either animate or inanimate and can often be used to refer to a single person in English. In B/C/M/S, the gender of nouns functions differently.


All nouns in Croatian belong to one of the three genders: masculine, feminine, or neuter, regardless of animacy. For nouns that refer to things, the gender of a noun has nothing to do with the meaning of the word. Gender for inanimate nouns is only a grammatical category; it is related to how the word ends in its basic (or “dictionary”) form. Figuring out the gender of most nouns will not be difficult.
| Masculine Gender
Generally, when the dictionary form of the noun ends in “zero-ending” (i.e., it ends in a consonant) then the noun is masculine. The majority of masculine nouns end in a consonant, and when they are pluralized, they get the ending -i (automobil → automobili). For a more detailed breakdown of masculine nouns, look at the charts below. (a) The most frequent ending forms for masculine gender nouns ending in a consonant
Inanimate (for things) Animate (for living beings)
singular plural singular plural
N. mobitel mobitel-i profesor profesor-i
G. mobitel-a mobitel-a profesor-a profesor-a
D. mobitel-u mobitel-ima profesor-u profesor-ima
A. mobitel mobitel-e profesor-a profesor-e
V. mobitel-e mobitel-i profesor-e profesor-i
L. mobitel-u mobitel-ima profesor-u profesor-ima
I. mobitel-om mobitel-ima profesor-om profesor-ima
(b) Masculine gender nouns ending in a palatal
singular plural
N. prijatelj prijatelj-i
G. prijatelj-a prijatelj-a
D. prijatelj-u prijatelj-ima
A. prijatelj-a prijatelj-e
V. prijatelj-u prijatelj-i
L. prijatelj-u prijatelj-ima
I. prijatelj-em prijatelj-ima
(c) One-syllable masculine nouns (these nouns can be animate or inanimate nouns)
singular plural singular plural
N. most most-ov-i puž puž-ev-i
G. most-a most-ov-a puž-a puž-ev-a
D. most-u most-ov-ima puž-u puž-ev-ima
A. most most-ov-e puž-a puž-ev-e
V. most-e most-ov-i puž-u puž-ev-i
L. most-u most-ov-ima puž-u puž-ev-ima
I. most-om most-ov-ima puž-em puž-ev-ima
(d) Sound changes with different cases for masculine nouns Pay special attention to singular masculine nouns that end in -k or -h. A certain sound change occurs when a noun is declined (i.e., a different case form).
singular plural singular plural
N. otok oto-c-i orah ora-s-i
G. otok-a otok-a orah-a orah-a
D. otok-u oto-c-ima orah-u ora-s-ima
A. otok otok-e orah orah-e
V. oto-č-e oto-c-i ora-š-e ora-s-i
L. otok-u oto-c-ima orah-u ora-s-ima
I. otok-om oto-c--ima orah-om ora-s-ima
This is a general rule that you need to have in mind.
    • K+E = /ČE/
For example N.sing. otok → V.sing. otoče
    • H+E = /ŠE/
For example N.sing. orah → V.sing. oraše
    • K+I = /CI/
For example N.sing. otok → otoci
    • H+I = /SI/
For example N.sing. orah → orasi
singular plural singular plural
N. stric stri-č-ev-i pas ps-i
G. stric-a stri-č-ev-a ps-a pas-a
D. stric-u stri-č-ev-ima ps -u ps-ima
A. stric-a stri-č-ev-e ps-a ps-e
V. stri-č-e stri-č-ev-i ps-u ps-i
L. stric-u stri-č-ev-ima ps-u ps-ima
I. stric-em stri-č-ev-ima ps-om ps-ima
This is a general rule you need to have in mind.
    • C+E = /ČE/
For example N.sing. stric → V.sing. striče
    • FLEETING “a”
For example N.sing. pas → psi (e) Suppletion / Different stems for singular and plural forms for some masculine nouns
singular plural singular plural
N. brat brać-a čovjek ljud-i
G. brat-a brać-e čovjek-a ljud-i
D. brat -u brać-i čovjek-u ljud-ima
A. brat-a brać-u čovjek-a ljud-e
V. brat-e brać-o čovječ-e ljud-i
L. brat-u brać-i čovjek-u ljud-ima
I. brat-om brać-om čovjek-om ljud-ima
An example of a masculine noun that ends in –a.
  • brat (brother) – follows the pattern of masculine animate nouns
  • braća (brothers) – follows the pattern of feminine singular nouns
An example of a masculine noun that has a regular singular form and irregular plural form.
  • čovjek (human being/man) – follows the pattern of masculine animate nouns
  • ljudi (people) – completely different stem from the singular
(f) Masculine nouns that do NOT end in a consonant (two examples) Noun posao (even though it ends in -o) is a masculine noun. It follows the pattern of:
  • masculine inanimate noun
  • one-syllable noun
  • has a sound change with a fleeting “a”
singular plural
N. posa-o posl-ov-i
G. posl-a posl-ov-a
D. posl -u posl-ov-ima
A. posao posl-ov-e
V. posl-e posl-ov-i
L. posl-u posl-ov-ima
I. posl-om posl-ov-ima
Noun tata. Grammatical gender of the noun is feminine and thus will follow the feminine ending pattern. However, everything describing this noun has to be masculine. Example: Ovo je moj tata.
singular plural
N. tat-a tat-e
G. tat-e tat-a
D. tat-i tat-ama
A. tat-u tat-e
V. tat-o tat-e
L. tat-i tat-ama
I. tat-om tat-ama
| Feminine Gender
Generally, when the dictionary form of a singular noun ends in “-a”, the noun is feminine. Feminine nouns that end in -a in the singular form, when pluralized, will take the ending -e (knjiga → knjige). (a) The most frequent ending forms for feminine gender nouns ending in -a
singular plural
N. žen-a žen-e
G. žen-e žen-a
D. žen-i žen-ama
A. žen-u žen-e
V. žen-o žen-e
L. žen-i žen-ama
I. žen-om žen-ama
(b) Nouns ending in -ad or -ost
singular plural singular plural
N. momč-ad momč-ad-i rad-ost radost-i
G. momč-ad-i momč-ad-i radost-i radost-i
D. momč-ad-i momč-ad-ima radost-i radost-ima
A. momčad momč-ad-i radost radost-i
V. momč-ad-i momč-ad-i radost-i radost-i
L. momč-ad-i momč-ad-ima radost-i radost-ima
I. momč-ad-i momč-ad-ima radost-i radost-ima
(c) Irregular feminine nouns (two examples)
singular plural singular plural
N. kći kćeri misao misli
G. kćeri kćeri misli misli
D. kćeri kćerima misli mislima
A. kćer kćeri misao misli
V. kćeri kćeri misli misli
L. kćeri kćerima misli mislima
I. kćeri kćerima misli mislima
| Neuter Gender
Generally, when the dictionary form of a singular noun ends in “-o” or “-e”, the noun is neuter. Neuter nouns that have the ending -o or -e in their singular form get the ending -a when pluralized (ogledalo → ogledala; polje → polja). (a) The most frequent ending forms for neuter gender nouns ending in -o or -e
singular plural singular plural
N. sel-o sel-a polj-e polj-a
G. sel-a sel-a polj-a polj-a
D. sel-u sel-ima polj-u polj-ima
A. sel-o sel-a polj-e polj-a
V. sel-o sel-a polj-e polj-a
L. sel-u sel-ima polj-u polj-ima
I. sel-om sel-ima polj-em polj-ima
(b) Irregularities/differences between singular and plural forms
singular plural
N. dijet-e djec-a
G. djetet-a djec-e
D. djetet-u djec-i
A. dijet-e djec-u
V. dijet-e djec-o
L. djetet-u djec-i
I. djetet-om djec-om
  • dijete (child) = follows the regular pattern for neuter nouns with spelling differences between the Nominative case and other case forms. Pay close attention to this!
  • djeca (children) = follows the pattern of feminine singular nouns. Be careful with spelling the plural forms of “djeca.”
Note: In ekavian form (Serbian), it’s dete (sing.) and deca (pl.)
| Auxiliary Verbs
The verb ‘biti’ is the most used verb in Croatian. In the present tense it has two forms, a stressed and unstressed form. The verb ‘htjeti’ is the second auxiliary verb in Croatian. Similarly to ‘biti,’ in the present tense, it has two forms, a stressed and unstressed form.
stressed form unstressed form stressed form unstressed form
ja jesam sam hoću ću
ti jesi si hoćeš ćeš
on-ona-ono jest je hoće će
mi jesmo smo hoćemo ćemo
vi jeste ste hoćete ćete
oni-one-ona jesu su hoće će
| Modal Verbs Modal verbs are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and so on. Modal verbs (listed below) can be combined with other verbs in their infinitive form to make sentences. Example: Ja želim posjetiti katedralu. / Što trebam vidjeti? / Što moram posjetiti?
ja moram smijem mogu trebam
ti moraš smiješ možeš trebaš
on-ona-ono mora smije može treba
mi moramo smijemo možemo trebamo
vi morate smijete možete trebate
oni-one-ona moraju smiju mogu trebaju
Two possible ways of using the modal verbs For the purposes of explanation, we will refer here to the Croatian and Serbian forms as there is a major distinction. Croatian structure: modal verb + infinitive form of another verb. Example:
  • Moram kupiti sladoled.
  • Smijem jesti kolače.
  • Mogu kupiti knjigu.
  • Trebam pojesti doručak.
Serbian structure: modal verb + da + Present Tense of another verb. Example:
  • Moram da kupim sladoled.
  • Smem da jedem kolače.
  • Mogu da kupim knjigu.
  • Treba da pojedem doručak.
Note: The verb trebati (in the function of a modal verb) will always have the form treba da + present tense.
| Verbs that end in -ti
The majority of the verbs in their infinitive form end in -ti. Look at the following sections for a more detailed breakdown of these verbs. (a) Regular verbs ending in -ati
ja sluš-am gled-am igr-am sluš-am
ti sluš-aš gled-aš igr-aš sluš-aš
on-ona-ono sluš-a gled-a igr-a sluš-a
mi sluš-amo gled-amo igr-amo sluš-amo
vi sluš-ate gled-ate igr-ate sluš-ate
oni-one-ona sluš-aju gled-aju igr-aju sluš-aju
(b) Verbs ending in -sti or -nuti
ja je-d-em prove-d-em pa-d-n-em makn-em
ti je-d-eš prove-d-eš pa-d-n-eš makn-eš
on-ona-ono je-d-e prove-d-e pa-d-n-e makn-e
mi je-d-emo prove-d-emo pa-d-n-emo makn-emo
vi je-d-ete prove-d-ete pa-d-n-ete makn-ete
oni-one-ona je-d-u prove-d-u pa-d-n-u makn-u
*One-syllable infinitive stem, thus -n- has to be added before the ending.   (c) Verbs ending in -iti or -(j)eti
ja misl-im živ-im
ti misl-iš živ-iš
on-ona-ono misl-i živ-i
mi misl-imo živ-imo
vi misl-ite živ-ite
oni-one-ona misl-e živ-e
(d) Verbs ending in -ovati, -evati, or -ivati
ja put-u-jem kralj-u-jem iznajmlj-u-jem
ti put-u-ješ kralj-u-ješ iznajmlj-u-ješ
on-ona-ono put-u-je kralj-u-je iznajmlj-u-je
mi put-u-jemo kralj-u-jemo iznajmlj-u-jemo
vi put-u-jete kralj-u-jete iznajmlj-u-jete
oni-one-ona put-u-ju kralj-u-ju iznajmlj-u-ju
(e) Stem changes among verbs ending in -ati
ja z-o-v-em p-e-r-em
ti z-o-v-eš p-e-r-eš
on-ona-ono z-o-v-e p-e-r-e
mi z-o-v-emo p-e-r-emo
vi z-o-v-ete p-e-r-ete
oni-one-ona z-o-v-u p-e-r-u
ja pi-š-em vi-č-em
ti pi-š-eš vi-č-eš
on-ona-ono pi-š-e vi-č-e
mi pi-š-emo vi-č-emo
vi pi-š-ete vi-č-ete
oni-one-ona pi-š-u vi-č-u
ja trč-im drž-im
ti trč-iš drž-iš
on-ona-ono trč-i drž-i
mi trč-imo drž-imo
vi trč-ite drž-ite
oni-one-ona trč-e drž-e
| Verbs that end in -ći
Verbs that end in -ći have irregular forms in B/C/M/S and you will need to learn them as we go through each unit. Look at the following sections for a more detailed breakdown of these verbs. (a) Present tense of -ći verbs with -d- / -đ-
ja i-d-em do-đ-em po-đ-em
ti i-d-eš do-đ-eš po -đ-eš
on-ona-ono i-d-e do-đ-e po -đ-e
mi i-d-emo do-đ-emo po -đ-emo
vi i-d-ete do-đ-ete po -đ-ete
oni-one-ona i-d-u do-đ-u po -đ-u
(b) Present tense of -ći verbs with -č- / -k-
ja re-k-n-em re-č-em pe-č-em
ti re-k-n-eš re-č-eš pe-č-eš
on-ona-ono re-k-n-e re-č-e pe-č-e
mi re-k-n-emo re-č-emo pe-č-emo
vi re-k-n-ete re-č-ete pe-č-ete
oni-one-ona re-k-n-u re-k-u pe-k-u
(c) Present tense of -ći verbs with -ž- / -g-
ja le-g-n-em le-ž-em stri-ž-em
ti le-g-n-eš le-ž-eš stri-ž-eš
on-ona-ono le-g-n-e le-ž-e stri-ž-e
mi le-g-n-emo le-ž-emo stri-ž-emo
vi le-g-n-ete le-ž-ete stri-ž-ete
oni-one-ona le-g-n-u le-g-u stri-g-u
| Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive verbs are verbs that indicate that the subject performs an action on itself. They are characterized by the use of the pronouns "se." For example, in the verb "umiti se" (to wash one’s face), the "se" shows that the subject is performing the action on themselves. Reflexive verbs are an essential part of B/C/M/S grammar, helping to convey actions that are directed back at the subject.
With personal pronoun, GLEDATI SE  Without personal pronoun, GLEDATI SE 
ja se gledam gledam se
ti se gledaš gledaš se
on/ona/on se gleda gleda se
mi se gledamo gledamo se
vi se gledate gledate se
oni/one/ona se gledaju gledaju se
| Past Tense
Generally, the Past Tense consists of two parts: 1) the unstressed present tense form (the short form) of the auxiliary verb biti (to be) 2) active participle of the verb. To form the active participle of a verb, start with the infinitive form of the verb, remove the final –TI or ĆI, and add the required ending to make the gender and number agree with the subject of the sentence.
singular plural
masculine gender -o -li
feminine gender  -la -le
neuter gender -lo -la
For more detailed information on how to form the active participle, look at the sections below. It will give you the regular and irregular forms of active participles. (a) Past tense of -ati verbs
ja sam sluša-o/-la ja sam zva-o/-la ja sam trča-o/-la ja sam putova-o/-la
ti si sluša-o/-la ti si zva-o/-la ti si trča-o/-la ti si putova-o/-la
on je sluša-o on je zva-o on je trča-o on je putova-o
ona je sluša-la ona je zva-la ona je trča-la ona je putova-la
ono* je sluša-lo ono je zva-lo ono je trča-lo ono je putova-lo
mi smo sluša-li/-le mi smo zva-li/-le mi smo trča-li/-le mi smo putovali/-le
vi ste sluša-li/-le vi ste zva-li/-le vi ste trča-li/-le vi ste putova-li/-le
oni su sluša-li oni su zva-li oni su trča-li oni su putova-li
one su sluša-le one su zva-le one su trča-le one su putova-le
ona* su sluša-la ona su zva-la ona su trča-la ona su putova-la
* In the past tense, for neuter gender, most likely you will not hear a pronoun. Rather, you will hear a noun of neuter gender. Examples are: D(ij)ete je slušalo/zvalo/trčalo/putovalo. D(j)eca su slušala/zvala/trčala/putovala(b) Past tense of -iti and -(j)eti verbs
MISL-ITI ŽIV-JETI (-jeti form), Cro. ŽIV-ETI (-eti form), Sr.
ja sam misli-o/-la ja sam živi-o/-la ja sam žive-o/-la
ti si misli-o/-la ti si živi-o/-la ti si žive-o/-la
on je misli-o on je živi-o on je žive-o
ona je misli-la ona je živje-la ona je žive-la
ono je misli-lo ono je živjel-o ono je žive-lo
mi smo misli-li/-le mi smo živje-li/-le mi smo žive-li/-le
vi ste misli-li/-le vi ste živje-li/-le vi ste žive-li/-le
oni su misli-li oni su živje-li oni su žive-li
one su misli-le one su živje-le one su žive-le
ona su misli-la ona su živje-la ona su žive-la
(c) Past tense of -sti or -nuti verbs
ja sam je-o/-la ja sam prove-o/-la ja sam maknu-o/-la
ti si je-o/-la ti si prove-o/-la ti si maknu-o/-la
on je je-o on je prove-o on je maknu-o
ona je je-la ona je prove-la ona je maknu-la
ono je jel-o ono je prove-lo ono je maknu-lo
mi smo je-li/-le mi smo prove-li/-le mi smo maknu-li/-le
vi ste je-li/-le vi ste prove-li/-le vi ste maknu-li/-le
oni su je-li oni su prove-li oni su maknu-li
one su je-le one su prove-le one su maknu-le
ona su je-la ona su prove-la ona su maknu-la
(d) Past tense of -ći verbs, related to the verb ići (motion verbs) Most of the verbs that are related to motion end in -ći, and will behave in this way. In other words, when forming the past tense of ići, for example, the -ć- will change to -š- to which we need to add the appropriate ending (masculine/feminine/neuter) and number (singular/plural).
ja sam iša-o/-la ja sam doša-o/-la ja sam poša-o/-la
ti si iša-o/-la ti si doša-o/-la ti si poša-o/-la
on je iša-o on je doša-o on je poša-o
ona je iš-la ona je doš-la ona je poš-la
ono je iš-lo ono je doš-lo ono je poš-lo
mi smo išli/-le mi smo doš-li/-le mi smo poš-li/-le
vi ste iš-li/-le vi ste doš-li/-le vi ste pošli/-le
oni su iš-li oni su doš-li oni su pošli
one su iš-le one su doš-le one su pošle
ona su iš-la ona su doš-la ona su pošla
(e) Past tense of other -ći verbs
ja sam peka-o/-la ja sam lega-o/-la ja sam reka-o/-la
ti si peka-o/-la ti si lega-o/-la ti si reka-o/-la
on je peka-o on je lega-o on je reka-o
ona je pek-la ona je leg-la ona je rek-la
ono je pek-lo ono je leg-lo ono je rek-lo
mi smo pek-li/-le mi smo pelegk-li/-le mi smo rek-li/-le
vi ste pek-li/le vi ste leg-li/le vi ste rek-li/-le
oni su pek-li oni su leg-li oni su rek-li
one su pek-le one su leg-le one su rek-le
ona su pek-la ona su leg-la ona su rek-la
(f) Past tense of reflexive verbs The cluster verb biti + reflexive pronoun se will always stay in that order. The cluster verb biti + reflexive pronoun se will change its place, depending on whether or not we use a personal name or a pronoun as the subject. The reflexive pronoun se will always be in the second place.
With personal pronoun, GLEDATI SE  Without personal pronoun, GLEDATI SE 
ja sam se gleda-o/-la gleda-o/-la sam se
ti se se gleda-o/-la gleda-o/-la si se
on se gleda-o gleda-o  se
ona se gleda-la gleda-la se
ono se gleda-lo gleda-lo se
mi smo se gleda-li/-le gleda-li/-le smo se
vi ste se gleda-li/-le gleda-li/-le su se
oni su se glada-li glada-li su se
one su se gleda-le glada-le su se
ona su se glada-la glada-la su se
| Future Tense
(a) Future tense of -ti verbs The most common structure of creating the future tense is: Subject (pronoun or noun) + unstressed form of htjeti + infinitive form of a verb. However, when we know who the subject of the sentence is, in everyday conversation, speakers will often omit the subject. This results in differences in writing between Croatian and Serbian. See examples below.
With personal pronoun  Without personal pronoun 
Croatian and Serbian  Croatian  Serbian 
ja ću gledati gladat ću gledaću
ti ćeš gledati gledat ćeš gledaćeš
on-ona-ono će gladati gledat će gledaće
mi ćemo gledati gledat ćemo gledaćemo
vi ćete gledati gledat ćete gledaćete
oni-one-ona će gledati gledat će gledaće
(b) Future tense of -ći verbs
With personal pronoun Without personal pronoun
ja ću ići ići ću
ti ćeš ići ići ćeš
on-ona-ono će ići ići će
mi ćemo ići ići ćemo
vi ćete ići ići ćete
oni-one-ona će ići ići će
| Adjectives
An adjective is a word that gives additional, descriptive information about a noun (big table, smart girl). Adjective endings change according to the gender (masculine, feminine, neuter) and the number (singular or plural) of the noun they modify, or describe. In order to form adjectives correctly, start with the dictionary form of the adjective, which is always given in the masculine singular form. The masculine form is the base form, or stem, to which other gendered endings are added. Be careful, sometimes when forming feminine and neuter adjectives, the spelling of the stem may change a little bit. For example, dob-ar and pamet-an are both masculine adjective forms, but dobra/pametna and dobro/pametno are the feminine and neuter forms. Note how the vowel in the masculine forms disappear for feminine and neuter.
| Definite Adjectives
(a) General endings for adjectives in SINGULAR forms
masculine feminine neuter
N. visok-i visok-a visok-o
G. visok-og visok-e visok-og
D. visok-om visok-oj visok-om
A. visok-i / visok-og* visok-u visok-o
V. visok-i visok-a visok-o
L. visok-om visok-oj visok-om
I. visok-im visok-om visok-im
* inanimate vs. animate (b) General endings for adjectives in PLURAL forms
masculine feminine neuter
N. visok-i visok-e visok-a
G. visok-ih visok-ih visok-ih
D. visok-im visok-im visok-im
A. visok-e visok-e visok-a
V. visok-i visok-e visok-a
L. visok-im visok-im visok-im
I. visok-im visok-im visok-im
(c) Adjectives in masculine and neuter singular forms when the stem of an adjective ends in one of the palatals
masculine neuter
N. vruć-i vruć-e
G. vruć-eg vruć-eg
D. vruć-em vruć-em
A. vruć-i / vruć-eg* vruć-e
V. vruć-i vruć-e
L. vruć-em vruć-em
I. vruć-im vruć-im
* inanimate vs. animate (vrući for inanimate, vrućeg for animate) (d) Adjectives in masculine and neuter plural forms when the stem of an adjective ends in one of the palatals
masculine neuter
N. vruć-i vruć-a
G. vruć-ih vruć-ih
D. vruć-im vruć-im
A. vruć-e vruć-a
V. vruć-i vruć-a
L. vruć-im vruć-im
I. vruć-im vruć-im
(e) Irregular adjective forms in SINGULAR. Example of topao (warm)
masculine feminine neuter
N. topa-o topl-a topa-o
G. topl-og topl-e topl-og
D. topl-om topl-oj topl-om
A. topl-i / topl-og* topl-u topl-o
V. topl-i topl-a topl-o
L. topl-om topl-oj topl-om
I. topl-im topl-om topl-im
(f) Irregular adjective forms in PLURAL. Example of topao
masculine feminine neuter
N. topl-i topl-e topl-a
G. topl-ih topl-ih topl-ih
D. topl-im topl-im topl-im
A. topl-e topl-e topl-a
V. topl-i topl-e topl-a
L. topl-im topl-im topl-im
I. topl-im topl -im topl-im
(g) Irregular adjective forms in SINGULAR. Example of vreo (boiling hot)
masculine feminine neuter
N. vre-o vrel-a vrel-o
G. vrel-og vrel-e vrel-og
D. vrel-om vrel-oj vrel-om
A. vrel-i / vrel-og* vrel-u vrel-o
V. vrel-i vrel-a vrel-o
L. vrel-om vrel-oj vrel-om
I. vrel-im vrel-om vrel-im
(h) Irregular adjective forms in PLURAL. Example of vreo 
masculine feminine neuter
N. vrel-i vrel-e vrel-a
G. vrel-ih vrel-ih vrel-ih
D. vrel-im vrel-im vrel-im
A. vrel-e vrel-e vrel-a
V. vrel-i vrel-e vrel-a
L. vrel-im vrel-im vrel-im
I. vrel-im vrel-im vrel-im
| Pronouns
Pronouns are words that replace nouns to avoid repetition and make sentences clearer and more concise. Pronouns can refer to people, animals, things, or ideas, and they agree in gender, number, and case with the nouns they replace. There are several types of pronouns in B/C/M/S, such as personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, etc. Here you will find only those that you encounter within the ten units of the textbook. You will learn more about different types of pronouns as you continue studying the language.
| Personal Pronouns
Just like in English, Croatian has personal pronouns indicating a specific person or a group of people. Singular forms
N. ja ti on ona ono
G. mene / me tebe / te njega / ga nje / je njega / ga
D. meni / mi tebi / ti njemu / mu njoj / joj njemu / mu
A. mene / me tebe / te njega / ga nju / je / ju njega / ga
V. --- ti --- --- ---
L. meni tebi njemu njoj njemu
I. mnom tobom njim njom njim
Plural forms
N. mi vi oni one ona
G. nas vas njih / ih
D. nama / nam vama / vam njima / im
A. nas vas njih / ih
V. --- vi --- --- ---
L. nama vama njima
I. nama vama njima
The difference between the stressed and unstressed forms of personal pronouns Personal pronouns have stressed and unstressed forms. The unstressed form will always be placed between the verb and direct object. For example: Pripremam joj juhu. (I am preparing a soup for her.) The stressed form will be placed at the beginning or at the end of the sentence. It serves to emphasize the information. For example: Njoj ću pokloniti knjigu. (I will give her a book.) Few more examples:
  • Tebi govorim.
  • Govorim ti istinu.
  • Vidio sam je. / Vidio sam ju.
  • Vidio ju je.
  • Nju je vidio. / Vidio je nju.
| Possessive Pronouns
Most likely, when you want to answer a question such as - Whose is this? - you will use a possessive pronoun (my, your, his, her, etc.) or someone’s name in your answer. Remember that each possessive pronoun has to be the same gender of the thing it refers to. Regardless of the gender of the speaker, or the person to whom something belongs, the possessive pronoun has to have the same grammatical gender of the thing it describes or refers to.   
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
N. moj moja moje moji moje moja
G. mojeg/mog moje mojeg/mog mojih mojih mojih
D. mojem/mom mojoj mojem/mom mojim mojim mojim
A. mojeg/ mog moj* moju moje moje moje moja
V. moj moja moje moji moje moja
L. mojoj mojem/mom mojim mojim mojim
I. mojim mojom mojim mojim mojim mojim
  * mojeg/mog (animate noun) / moj (inanimate) The same pattern is used for tvoj – tvoja – tvoje – tvoji – tvoje – tvoja   
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
N. njegov njegova njegovo njegovi njegove njegova
G. njegovog njegove njegovog / njegova njegovih njegovih njegovih
D. njegovom njegovoj njegovom njegovim njegovim njegovim
A. njegovog / njegov* njegovu njegovo njegove njegove njegova
V. njegov njegova njegovo njegovi njegove njegova
L. njegovom / njegovu njegovoj njegovom njegovim njegovim njegovim
I. njegovim njegovom njegovim njegovim njegovim njegovim
  * njegovog (animate noun) / njegov (inanimate)  
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
N. njen njena njeno njeni njene njena
G. njenog njene njenog njenih njenih njenih
D. njenom njenoj njenom / njenu njenim njenim njenim
A. njenog / njen njenu njeno njene njene njena
V. njen njena njeno njeni njene njena
L. njenom njenoj njenom njenim njenim njenim
I. njenim njenom njenim njenim njenim njenim
  To express that something belongs to her, you can use njezin or njen (in a correct gender form) * njenog (animate noun) / njen (inanimate)  
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
N. naš naša naše naši naše naša
G. našeg naše našeg naših naših naših
D. našem našoj našem našim našim našim
A. nešeg / naš našu naše naše naše naša
V. naš naša naše naši naše naša
L. našem našoj našem našim našim našim
I. našim našom našim našim našim našim
  * našeg (animate noun) / naš (inanimate) The same pattern is used for vaš – vaša – vaše – vaši – vaše – vaša 
| Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns are used when we want to specify something or someone, and they are very often used with the question tko (Tko je ovo?) or što (Što je ovo?).   The usage of the demonstrative pronoun depends on where the thing that we are referring to is located. In other words, if the thing that we are referring to is closer to a speaker (a person asking a question) we need to use ovo. If the thing we are referring to is closer to a listener (a person answering the question), we need to use to. If the thing we are referring to is equally far away from both speaker and a listener, we need to use ono   This = ovo That = to That over there = ono   Below you will find demonstrative pronouns only in their Nominative form.   
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
N. ovaj ova ovo ovi ove ova
taj ta to ti te ta
onaj ona ono oni one ona
  Note: there are other demonstrative pronouns, but you will encounter them at later stages of your studies.   
| Interrogative and Relative Pronouns
  Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. They help in gathering information about people, things, places, and other aspects, and like other pronouns, they can decline for case. Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses, which provide additional information about a noun mentioned previously. They connect the main clause to the subordinate clause.   Below you will find these pronouns only in their Nominative form.   
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
N. koji koja koje koji koje koja
čiji čija čije čiji čije čija
kakav kakva kakvo kakvi kakve kakva
Two other pronouns in this category that you encountered throughout all ten units are tko (ko) and što (šta).