Content Overview

This page serves as a comprehensive guide to the materials covered in the textbook, providing an organized and detailed breakdown of the textbook content. The table below lists all the grammatical components taught in each unit, as well as the vocabulary for the various topics covered. Whether you are a student looking to review specific material or an instructor planning lessons, this overview page is designed to give you quick and easy access to the core elements of our textbook. 

Unit 1: Dobro došliModule 1 Lesson 1Personal pronouns
Verb to be (biti), unstressed form
Vowel pronunciation
Consonant pronunciation
Unit 1: Dobro došliModule 1 Lesson 2The verb to be called (zvati se)
Informal communication
Gender of nouns (singular)
Countries of the world
Personal names
Unit 1: Dobro došliModule 1 Lesson 3Verb to speak (pričam/govorim)Nationalities
Unit 1: Dobro došliModule 1 Lesson 4Gender of nouns (plural)
Verb to be (biti)
Formal communication
Formal and informal speech
Unit 1: Dobro došliModule 1 Lesson 5Asking about ownership
Possessive pronouns
Numbers (0-10)
Unit 1: Dobro došliModule 1 Lesson 6Adjectives
How does it look like (kakav)
Unit 1: Dobro došliModule 2 Lesson 1Who and What
This, that, that over there
Unit 1: Dobro došliModule 2 Lesson 2Verb to be (biti), question/negationPersonal traits (adjectives)
Unit 1: Dobro došliModule 2 Lesson 3Masculine gender, plural nouns
Ownership – čiji, čija, čije
Unit 1: Dobro došliModule 3 Lesson 1Areas of studies
Direct object, Accusative case
Areas of studies
Unit 2: Slobodno vrijemeModule 1 Lesson 1Where from; Genitive Case
Countries, cities, islands
Verb to have (imati)
Nominative vs Accusative case
Adjectives in the Accusative case
Continents and countries
What to visit (city locations)
Unit 2: Slobodno vrijemeModule 1 Lesson 2Accusative case, plural
Adjectives in the Accusative plural
The verb to not have (nemati)
Nature and surroundings
City sights
Unit 2: Slobodno vrijemeModule 2 Lesson 1The verbs ending in -atiVerbs – activities
Music instruments
Unit 2: Slobodno vrijemeModule 2 Lesson 2The verbs ending in -iti / -jeti
Modal verbs
Interrogative pronouns
Free time activities
Unit 2: Slobodno vrijemeModule 3 Lesson 1The verb to go (ići)
Prepositions u/na; Accusative
City locations and activities
Days of the week
Unit 2: Slobodno vrijemeModule 3 Lesson 2Preposition za
Numbers (11-19)
Telling time
Parts of the day
Unit 2: Slobodno vrijemeModule 3 Lesson 3Numbers (20 and up)
My activities
Unit 2: Slobodno vrijemeModule 3 Lesson 4More about u/na prepositions
Location and activities
Unit 2: Slobodno vrijemeModule 3 Lesson 5The verbs ending in -ati
Activities, where to go
Informal communication
Unit 2: Slobodno vrijemeModule 3 Lesson 6The verb nositi
Where – Locative case
Unit 3: Moja obiteljModule 1 Lesson 2Masculine nouns and plural forms
Nouns brat, tata
Nouns otac, ujak
Family members
Unit 3: Moja obiteljModule 1 Lesson 3Accusative case – animacy
Masculine nouns
Accusative with personal names
Who and what
Extended family members
Unit 3: Moja obiteljModule 1 Lesson 4Adjectives in the Accusative caseGetting married
Unit 3: Moja obiteljModule 1 Lesson 5The verb to live (živjeti)
Possessive adjectives, animacy
Unit 3: Moja obiteljModule 1 Lesson 6More verbs with Accusative case
The noun pas
Family and activities
Life rhythm
Unit 3: Moja obiteljModule 1 Lesson 7The verb to look alike (sličiti)
To have an interest in
Personal pronouns, Accusative
Verbal nouns (activities)
Unit 3: Moja obiteljModule 2 Lesson 1Inanimate possessive adjectivesFood and drinks (intro)
Unit 3: Moja obiteljModule 2 Lesson 2Easier/harder than…Alphabets around the world
Unit 4: StanovanjeModule 1 Lesson 1Locative case
Prepositions u and na
Rooms in the apartment/house
Unit 4: StanovanjeModule 1 Lesson 2Adjectives in the Locative case
Countries in the Locative case
Unit 4: StanovanjeModule 1 Lesson 3The verb moći (to be able to)Balcony/patio furniture
Unit 4: StanovanjeModule 1 Lesson 4Ordinal numbers
Unit 4: StanovanjeModule 1 Lesson 5Months in the Locative case
Verbs počinjati, završavati
The verb dolaziti
Months and seasons
Unit 4: StanovanjeModule 2 Lesson 1Sound change k+i = ci
Past tense of the verb to be
Past tense of verbs in -ati
Past tense of verbs in -iti and -jeti
Activities (verbs)
Unit 4: StanovanjeModule 2 Lesson 2Locative case, plural forms
Prepositions po and o
Known for…
Unit 4: StanovanjeModule 2 Lesson 3Past tense – verb to go (ići)
Past tense – verb to say (reći)
The noun posao
Birthday (DD.MM.YY.)
Unit 5: Blagdani i običajiModule 1 Lesson 1The verb to celebrate (proslaviti)
Day, month, year
Ordinal numbers, Genitive case
Months in the Genitive case
Unit 5: Blagdani i običajiModule 1 Lesson 2The verb to celebrate (slaviti)
Preposition po
Calendar names
Holidays and tradition
Unit 5: Blagdani i običajiModule 2 Lesson 1Prepositions od – do
Possessive adjectives, part 2
Activities, winter holidays
Unit 5: Blagdani i običajiModule 2 Lesson 2The verb to bring (donijeti)
Verbs to give (dati, davati)
The verb obući se
Christmas spirit
Unit 5: Blagdani i običajiModule 2 Lesson 3The noun hour (sat)
The noun age/period (doba)
The verb to arrive (stići)
The verb to fall down (pasti)
The verb to say (kazati)
Holiday activities
Travel and transport
Unit 5: Blagdani i običajiModule 2 Lesson 4-ati verbs with a sound change
The verbal nouns
Winter sports
Unit 5: Blagdani i običajiModule 2 Lesson 5The verb to greet someone
nositi, čestitati, željeti and Dative
Religious / commercial holidays
Special occasions
Unit 6: Pokloni i suveniriModule 1 Lesson 1The verbs željeti and htjetiFree time
Unit 6: Pokloni i suveniriModule 1 Lesson 2The Future tenseWeather forecast
The noun vrijeme
Temperature (F and C)
Unit 6: Pokloni i suveniriModule 2 Lesson 1Dative case, nouns
The verb moći
Gifts and souvenirs
Unit 6: Pokloni i suveniriModule 2 Lesson 2Dative case, personal pronounsType of gifts/souvenirs
Unit 6: Pokloni i suveniriModule 3 Lesson 1The verb sviđati se (to like)
Unit 6: Pokloni i suveniriModule 3 Lesson 2Types of art
Unit 6: Pokloni i suveniriModule 4 Lesson 1The verb smjeti
Verbs about wearing clothes
Reflexive verbs
Unit 6: Pokloni i suveniriModule 4 Lesson 2Adjectives: comparative form
Reflexive pronoun sebe/se
Unit 7: Transport i putovanjeModule 1 Lesson 1Verbs in -ovati, -evati, -ivati
Questions kamo and gdje
The verbal nouns
Practice months and seasons
Practice verbs in -ovati
Unit 7: Transport i putovanjeModule 1 Lesson 2Instrumental case, nouns
Preposition s/sa
Pronouncing the preposition s
Personality traits
Preposition s/sa
Holiday activities
Unit 7: Transport i putovanjeModule 1 Lesson 3Personal pronouns, Instrumental
Unit 7: Transport i putovanjeModule 2 Lesson 1Instrumental case without s/sa
Accusative vs Instrumental, motion
Adjectives, comparative forms
Verbs related to transportation
Activities (reflexive verbs)
Cardinal directions
Unit 7: Transport i putovanjeModule 2 Lesson 2Verb polaziti and dolaziti
Verbs stajati and trajati
The verb krenuti
Instrumental case, adjectives
Telling at what time
Telling the date
Months in the genitive case
Adjectives related to travels
Unit 7: Transport i putovanjeModule 3 Lesson 1Past tense
Reflexive verbs in the past tense
Unit 7: Transport i putovanjeModule 3 Lesson 2Writing an email, structure(s)
Unit 8: Tradicionalna hranaModule 1 Lesson 1Things made with / made of
The verbs piti and ispijati
Genitive case, singular
Type of drinks
Unit 8: Tradicionalna hranaModule 1 Lesson 2The verb jesti (to eat)
Genitive case with puno and malo
Fruits and vegetables
Dairy products
Unit 8: Tradicionalna hranaModule 1 Lesson 3The verbs kuhati and skuhati
The preposition bez (without)
The noun orah and sound change
Unit 8: Tradicionalna hranaModule 2 Lesson 1Genitive case: imati and nemati
Numbers and gender
Numbers and case
Genitive case with numbers
Nouns cent, mjesec, sat in Gen.
Unit 8: Tradicionalna hranaModule 2 Lesson 2Genitive without prepositionMeasures
Unit 8: Tradicionalna hranaModule 3 Lesson 1When to use the instrumental case
Past tense of jesti and piti
Verb pairs: piti/popiti, jesti/pojesti
Unit 8: Tradicionalna hranaModule 3 Lesson 2Genitive case, preposition iz
Verbs ending in -ći
The verb prati (to wash)
Perfective/imperfective verbs
Aspect pairs (verbs)
Unit 8: Tradicionalna hranaModule 3 Lesson 3The verb nuditi (to offer)
Accusative, personal pronouns
Unit 9: U zdravom tijelu zdrav duhModule 1 Lesson 1Baviti se and Instrumental caseSports and gym
How often?
Unit 9: U zdravom tijelu zdrav duhModule 1 Lesson 2Activities and repetition
Reflexive verbs
Healthy diet
Reflexive verbs
Unit 9: U zdravom tijelu zdrav duhModule 1 Lesson 3Adjectives, superlative formsSports
Unit 9: U zdravom tijelu zdrav duhModule 1 Lesson 4Physical description (kakav )
Irregular nouns
The verb roditi se (to be born)
Date of birth and years
Human body
Unit 9: U zdravom tijelu zdrav duhModule 2 Lesson 1The noun san (dream)
The noun posao (work/job)
Feminine nouns in -ost
Verbs prijaviti se / prijavljivati se
Personal characteristics
Work, education
Unit 9: U zdravom tijelu zdrav duhModule 2 Lesson 2The verbs pisati and napisti
The verbs slati and poslati
Curriculum Vitae
Unit 9: U zdravom tijelu zdrav duhModule 3 Lesson 1The verb boljeti
The verb bojati se and Genitive
Feminine nouns in a consonant
Irregular nouns
Fears and aches
Flu/Cold symptoms
Unit 9: U zdravom tijelu zdrav duhModule 3 Lesson 2The verb disati (to breathe)
The verbs kihati and kašljati
The Imperative of -ti verbs
Doctor/patient communication
Unit 9: U zdravom tijelu zdrav duhModule 3 Lesson 3The Imperative of -ći verbsMaking food (verbs)
Unit 10: Razgledavanje gradaModule 1 Lesson 1The prepositions od – do
The Imperative of the verb biti
City attractions
Unit 10: Razgledavanje gradaModule 1 Lesson 2Position and distance
Cardinal directions and Genitive
The Imperative of -ći verbs
Countries and States
Useful phrases
Unit 10: Razgledavanje gradaModule 1 Lesson 3The noun dio (part)
The Vocative case, masculine
About Dubrovnik
Unit 10: Razgledavanje gradaModule 1 Lesson 4The meaning of both (oba, obje)
Position of things
Types of tourism
Unit 10: Razgledavanje gradaModule 2 Lesson 1The street names and Genitive
Unit 10: Razgledavanje gradaModule 2 Lesson 2Where to – kamo , kuda , gdje
Unit 10: Razgledavanje gradaModule 3 Lesson 1Passive voice: osnovati , izgraditi
Unit 10: Razgledavanje gradaModule 3 Lesson 2Verbs ići and otići Childhood
Useful phrases